
Skyridge has its origins in the pacifist threads of Christian tradition; Mennonites and Friends (Quakers) are also part of this tradition. Individual commitments within the congregation regarding non-violence vary widely. Our fellowship includes veterans, conscientious objectors, and those who have been war tax resisters.

The practices of non-violence, pacifism, and non-violent resistance appear among us in various ways:

  • Efforts to practice genuine reconciliation and forgiveness among ourselves.
  • Ongoing work toward consensual decision-making as a body.
  • Worship and prayers anchored in concerns for peace for all peoples, unconditional love, and awareness of the suffering and trauma violence perpetuates throughout the world.
  • Occasional study, activism, and anti-war efforts together.
  • An absence of national flags in the building (except for veterans’ funerals) as a sign that commitment to Jesus’s ways matter more than loyalty to nation.

Individuals in the congregation participate in various local organizations related to working for peace, such as Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents to War (KNOW). Members of the congregation have participated in witness and learning trips with organizations such as Christian Peacemaker Teams and New Community Project. The congregation regularly contributes funds to organizations such as On Earth Peace Assembly and Christian Peacemaker Teams.

Drawn together in love