Skyridge meets in-person and via Zoom. Login details are available by emailing [email protected].
Worship: Sundays @ 9:30 am
Education/Second Hour: Sundays @ 11 am
At Skyridge, seeking to live the ways of Jesus in our lives holds priority over having particular ideas about Jesus. Discipleship (following the ways of Jesus) matters more than doctrine and dogma. Folks at Skyridge have a variety of beliefs and spiritual practices. Though we are firmly rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus, the congregation includes people who draw from non-Christian traditions in their spirituality. We don’t have a specific creed. We do have an atmosphere that welcomes conversation, questions, and study.
Our efforts to continue the work of Jesus include:
- Working with the Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (Quakers) to help resettle an Afghani family evacuated to the United States when U.S. troops left that nation in 2021.
- Beginning to convert our yard to park-like space for anyone to use, and starting to establish environment-friendly, pollinator-friendly native plant gardens.
- Formerly hosting a Kalamazoo Public Schools after-school program called Lift Up Through Literacy once a week during the school year.
- Supporting each other in numerous individual volunteer activities throughout the community.
In the past, immediate needs have also led us, as a congregation, to provide overnight shelter to homeless families and support refugees.
We seek to discern well and do what we can, effectively, in a world of overwhelming needs.