
As disciples of Jesus we seek to grow the beloved community among all people. An emphasis on community-building and mutual support forms the core of Skyridge’s life together. Because of this commitment we:

  • Invite and welcome all to our fellowship and worship, seeking the face of Christ in all people.
  • Conduct worship with room for all to authentically express concerns, joys, and talents.
  • Offer ongoing opportunities for education for all ages; our small size makes loving, personal attention available for all.
  • Care for one another in times of crisis, share joy in times of celebration, and hold each other in prayer at all times.
  • Share in fellowship during planned activities such as dinners and potlucks, hanging the greens for Advent, holding hymn sings, and outings to movies and plays (followed by conversation).
  • Learn together in book studies and discussions following worship.
  • Work together on special projects and in maintaining organizational business and infrastructure.
Skyridge Church Sustainability