“Know that you’re loved.  In this moment.  Now.

We don’t need to earn a place in the infinite care of God…it’s already there.

The birds and the flowers already know that.

Certainly we tend to what we must…as do the birds.  As they need to.

Jesus just wants us to know that…

…It is within our nature to flourish and flower.

…It is within God’s nature to provide what is needed.

When we learn to pay attention to this moment, that all becomes clearer.  We know where we are rooted and whose air we fly in.  Grace becomes more present to us.  And we can make it our purpose to begin that practice.  Over and over again… touching grace more fully each time we begin.

…and that matters if we seek God’s reign.”

Excerpt from Rev. Ruth Moerdyk’s sermon on June 28, 2020